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About Us
What’s in a name?
At the Noble Pet Company, we believe a great deal.
Nobility is one of the finest traits our beloved pets possess. It is unconditional love and ceaseless dedication –so why don’t they deserve the same in return?
Noble Pet Company is founded by longtime Himalayan/Persian breeder and founder of Eye Envy, Inc. –the world’s foremost leader in tear stain removal –is Lisa's latest exciting project. It brings together her absolute devotion and love of all things furry and wonderful, with her creative vision for beautifully crafted expressions of the bond between human, canine and feline.
Her long and prosperous experience with Eye Envy Inc. (founded in 2001) exposed her to a multitude of pet owners, breeders, groomers,industry professionals and veterinarians –in other words, the perfect cross section of information and opinion to bring forward her latest line of products.
Noble Pet Company Aromatherapy Line of Products was inspired by a cause very dear to Lisa’s heart. Due to significant health issues with her own pets and her desire to try to keep them healthy, without the use of toxic or harsh chemicals, she submerged herself in learning everything she could about better options. Lisa has set her focus on receiving her Animal Aromatherapy Practitioner Certification, to become an Animal Aroma therapist and becoming a member of the NAHA (National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy). Noble Pet’s line of products accomplishes the goal of using a holistic approach to helping our pets. Studies have shown that the rise in illnesses in pets, such as Cancer, is at staggering levels. Levels never seen before. We must ask ourselves why? Could it be that our animals are being subjected to chemicals and toxins that we were unaware of?
Noble Pet Company Collars & Leads was inspired by art and photography from family members close to the business, and the desire to help give local artists and photographers a platform for more exposure, the Noble Pet Company line of collars, leads and harnesses was born. Custom designs, unique images and fresh, unbridled expressionism will shine that spotlight on your precious baby and tell the world how much he or she means to you, plus give local designers/photographers an amazing platform to show off their talents. Collars and leads can be designed with company specific logos, photographs or artwork, with proper release requirements given to NPC.
Noble Pet Company Collars, leads and harnesses are an extension of every pet owners’ inner creativity and sense of expression. And what better place to display those qualities than on a beloved pet that represents the best in us, all in a safe, uniquely beautiful and responsible manner.
So what’s in a name? Noble. It’s the extension of over two decades of passionate dedication to the pet industry, a love and affinity for a family of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, and respecting the knowledge that our pets are completely and lovingly devoted to us until the very end.
What is more Noble than that?